Before Milos Forman and Jack Nicholson took it to the wider cinematic world, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's...
Let's forget that in 1984 George Orwell inadvertently named that hideous culture destroying reality TV show, because although...
In little over a hundred pages of text Ernest Hemingway reinvented 20th Century literature with The Old Man...
There have been better written novels than Catch 22; there have been more inspiring characters and there have...
For those with politics to the left of centre, Robert Tressell's The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists is a working-class...
Like so many great works of literature, Joseph Conradâs Heart of Darkness has become better known for its...
To most people The Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade are all about Humphrey Bogart and the birth of...
Most people discovered Fight Club because of the Ed Norton & Brad Pitt film, but before thousands of...
This is not the place to go on about how The Great Gatsby encapsulates the fallibility of the...
Let's forget that in 1984 George Orwell inadvertently named that hideous culture destroying reality TV show, because although...
You could be forgiven for thinking a novel about time travelling soldiers abducted by aliens would be an...
Episode 15 (hence the number of the street in the design) - Circe (as tattooed on the 'lady's'...
For those of you that know our background it will come as no surprise that even similarities to...
When I first read On The Road itâs brilliance didn't really hit me. Sure, it was a tale...
Huxley's fantastically directed barb at all those optimistic utopian novels of the time. With itâs negative vision of...
Trying to sum up Ayn Randâs Atlas Shrugged in 150 or so words is almost as tricky as...
In little over a hundred pages of text Ernest Hemingway reinvented 20th Century literature with The Old Man...
I am happy to write a short commentary on all the designs we do. I find something to...