BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN inspired Johnny 99 Mahwah Auto Plant T-Shirt
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BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN inspired Johnny 99 Mahwah Auto Plant T-Shirt
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN inspired Johnny 99 Mahwah Auto Plant T-Shirt
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN inspired Johnny 99 Mahwah Auto Plant T-Shirt
"Well they closed down the auto plant in Mahwah late that month" - and here is the T-shirt that would probably have been worn by Ralph as he hit that part of town where you don't stop at red lights and accidentally shoot night clarks after drowning your sorrows because you can't find a job. Then to make matters worse you get stuck with that mean Judge John Brown and a shitty public defender. Only Springsteen could make you feel sorry for a murderer (maybe Ralph should have hired Bruce instead) & that is all part of his genius - as is segueing from the bombast of The River into Nebraska and then onto Born In The USA without missing a beat.