We really hate that commercial reality dictates that we keep having to email you about buying T-shirts, when in truth, we'd much rather be having a beer with you and talking nonsense about the important things in life... you know, music, movies, TV and books. So at least we can soften the sell, a) by keep on making awesome T-shirts, but b) by giving you a bunch of stuff for free and for nothin'.
During the first lock down (how many have their been now?) we pumped out the activity books and those are still available HERE and the big RAWK DOWN music quiz (no prize anymore though) is available HERE.
We also have our weekly BathroomWall Radio Spotify playlists which you can find here:
But now we have some purely for fun quizzes powered by Sporcle. There will be added to and updates as regularly as we can. Hope you enjoy them and of course, if you have any suggestions, then let us know.